Exploring Color is an online photo class designed for all levels of photographers and visual artists and provides the foundations of color theory pertinent to digital image making.
An online class with Cheryl Machat Dorskind includes fun and evocative lessons coupled with creative assignments. Each assignment concludes with a personalized video review/critique totaling approximately 60 minutes of a detailed review of your work.
Cheryl Machat Dorskind has been teaching online photography classes for over fifteen years to rave reviews. She is known for her deep and insightful critiques and her knowledge of photography and color.
Join Cheryl Machat Dorskind and learn all about color and harness a trusted and tasteful eye. The outcome of the online class is an enriching experience, and an enhanced eye for color, and the environment. You will learn when (time of day, white balance), how (lens choice, camera angle, aperture, ISO, post-processing tips), and why (what is the right saturation mix, the correct background color, props and clothing choices, and juxtapositions) to use the “right” colors to create compelling photographs.